Recharge your cell,effortlessly : Cute little USBCELL by Moixa Energy
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Another victim of fashion.:) Now, its a USB powered cell. Touted as the renewable and portable energy solution, these cute little "power supply" really serve most of our needs rite?
2-Cell packs of USBCELL AA Batteries are currently available from $19.95/£10.99/€17.00 in the US, Europe, Australia, Korea and Japan and are also available from leading online retailers in many geographies...

"Our USBCELL batteries are for life, and not thrown away like other alkaline cells after a single use at Christmas. With over 15 billion batteries needlessly manufactured (causing significant carbon emissions) and thrown away into Landfill each year, the world needs to adopt more sustainable and usable products like the USBCELL". -CEO, Simon Daniel
[via engadget][more][buy 'em]